Wednesday 8 October 2014

Measure Capacity Of Pump Practically

Capacity of pump is the volume of liquid displaced per unit time. During running of pump you can measure it's capacity at any time. For this you need a pump, stop watch, a container of definite shape. Here is the procedure:

            1) Start the pump and keep on running it for some time. Both the suction and discharge valves should be open.
            2) Take a container of a definite shape so that you can measure it's volume. Lets take a cylindrical type basket whose dimensions is known.
            3) Now, put the basket at the discharge end and at the same time start the stopwatch.
            4) After some time (let's say 10 seconds) take the basket out of the liquid flow at discharge and at the same time stop the stopwatch.
            5) Measure the volume of the filled liquid using V = πr2l   ( l = height of the liquid in the basket)
            6) Divide this volume by time.

That's it. Be careful about unit consistency.

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