Wednesday 8 October 2014

Sherwood Number

The Sherwood number (Sh) (also called the mass transfer Nusselt number) is a dimensionless number used in mass-transfer operation. It represents the ratio of convective mass transport to diffusive mass transport.
It is defined as follows
\mathrm{Sh} = \frac{K L}{D} = \frac{\mbox{Convective mass transfer coefficient}}{\mbox{Diffusive mass transfer coefficient}}
  • L is a characteristic length (m)
  • D is mass diffusivity (m2.s−1)
  • K is the mass transfer coefficient (m.s−1)
Using dimensional analysis, it can also be further defined as a function of the Reynold and Schmidt numbers:
\mathrm{Sh} = f(\mathrm{Re}, \mathrm{Sc})

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