Wednesday 8 October 2014

Reynold's Number

     Reynold's number is a dimensionless number and it is the ratio of "inertial forces" to "viscous forces" in the fluid. Interpreting it in physical terms, it tells about the nature of flow of the fluid i.e, it tells about whether the flow is turbulent, laminar or transition flow.

Mathermatically,     Re = ρdv/µ   = inertial forces / viscous forces.

Where,            ρ = density of fluid (kg/m3)

                        d = diameter of pipe (m) = for non-circular pipes equivalent diameter is used
                        v  = velocity of fluid (m/s)
                        µ = viscocity of fluid (kg/m.s)

If   Re < 2000 , the flow is said to be laminar and if the  Re > 3000, the flow would be turbulent one. Between this boundry, the flow is transitional. 

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